Environmental Residue-Effects Database

US Army Corps of Engineers ERDC Dredging Operations Technical Support


Field Name Description
% Effect   The magnitude of the effect (e.g., % mortality; change in weight; change in length; percent hatch; etc.). 
Analyte   The chemical substance used to create the exposure.  
CAS   CAS registry number is a unique numerical identifier assigned by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) to a chemical substance.  
COLL  Where the animal was obtained: C (cultured-reared in laboratory); W (collected from wild); N/I (No Information); N/R (Not Reported). 
Comments  Commonly supports the effects data. 
Common name  Common name of the test animal. 
Control   The control response for the observed effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction; etc.). 
Dose  The frequency with which the contaminant was applied during the test. 
Duration   The duration of the exposure period: hr (hours); d (days) wk (weeks), mo (months), yr (years). 
Effect   The type of toxicological effect observed in the test animal (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction). 
ERED ID  Unique identification number autogenerated by database. 
ExpConc  The exposure concentration and units. 
Fraction   The test animal tissue used to determine tissue residue (e.g., whole body, soft tissue, liver, etc.). 
Genus Species   Scientific name of the test animal. 
Media  Type of water used to test animal: FW (freshwater); SW (saltwater) 
Mix   Whether the analyte was tested as part of a mixture of analytes or individually: yes (part of mixture), no (single), or N/I (No information). 
Risk   Summary of the risk (e.g., ED, NOED, LOED) an analyte might pose to the test animal. Previously, many risk numbers were assigned to results. Going forward ERED will not report a risk number unless it is reported in the study.  
Route   The route by which the analyte was intended to enter the body: aquatic; diet; injection. 
Signif   Whether the effect was significantly different, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: Yes (significant); No (not significant). 
Source  Reference from which data was obtained. 
Spiked  Whether the analyte was spiked into the route (aquatic, diet, sediment, injection): yes (analyte spiked), no (analyte not spiked) 
ST  Study type: L (Lab); F (Field); L/F (Lab/Field); Meso (Mesocosm); Micro (Microcosm); N/I (No Information). 
Stage   Life stage of the test animal (e.g., egg, larval, juvenile, adult). 
Tissue ww (mg/kg)   Tissue residue of analyte in the test animal tissue (mg/kg wet weight). 
Trend   The trend of the effect, usually compared to the control for laboratory studies: INC (increase); DEC (decrease), NEF (No effect). 

You are viewing Arthropoda: Invert (insects, crustaceans) and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Genus Species ERED ID ST Common Stage COLL Analyte CAS MX SPK H2O Route CONC Dose DUR Residue
mg/kg ww
Fraction Effect Trend Signif % Effect Control Risk Comments Source
Rhepoxynius abronius 18615 L amphipod N/R W 2-Methylanthracene 613-12-7 N Y SW sediment 30 nmol/L 1x 10 d 12.95 whole body mortality NEF N 98% 99% N/R single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18622 L amphipod N/R W 2-Methylanthracene 613-12-7 N Y SW sediment 30 nmol/L 1x 10 d 12.95 whole body behavior NEF N 98% 99% N/R ability to rebury; single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18629 L amphipod N/R W 2-Methylanthracene 613-12-7 Y Y SW sediment 30 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 12.95 whole body mortality NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18636 L amphipod N/R W 2-Methylanthracene 613-12-7 Y Y SW sediment 30 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 12.95 whole body behavior NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18639 L amphipod N/R W 3,6-Dimethylphenanthrene 1576-67-6 Y Y SW sediment 48 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 49.05 whole body behavior NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18632 L amphipod N/R W 3,6-Dimethylphenanthrene 1576-67-6 Y Y SW sediment 48 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 49.05 whole body mortality NEF N 99% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18625 L amphipod N/R W 3,6-Dimethylphenanthrene 1576-67-6 N Y SW sediment 48 nmol/L 1x 10 d 49.05 whole body behavior NEF N 97% 99% N/R ability to rebury; single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18618 L amphipod N/R W 3,6-Dimethylphenanthrene 1576-67-6 N Y SW sediment 48 nmol/L 1x 10 d 49.05 whole body mortality NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18620 L amphipod N/R W Anthracene 120-12-7 N Y SW sediment 16 nmol/L 1x 10 d 15.31 whole body behavior NEF N 98% 99% N/R ability to rebury; single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18627 L amphipod N/R W Anthracene 120-12-7 Y Y SW sediment 16 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 15.31 whole body mortality NEF N 100% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18634 L amphipod N/R W Anthracene 120-12-7 Y Y SW sediment 16 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 15.31 whole body behavior NEF N 100% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Diporeia sp. 8279 L amphipod juvenile N/I Anthracene 120-12-7 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 302.9961 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 N/I Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18613 L amphipod N/R W Anthracene 120-12-7 N Y SW sediment 16 nmol/L 1x 10 d 15.31 whole body mortality NEF N 98% 99% N/R single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18614 L amphipod N/R W Benz[a]anthracene 56-55-3 N Y SW sediment 9 nmol/L 1x 10 d 7.83 whole body mortality NEF N 98% 99% N/R single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18635 L amphipod N/R W Benz[a]anthracene 56-55-3 Y Y SW sediment 9 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 7.83 whole body behavior NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18628 L amphipod N/R W Benz[a]anthracene 56-55-3 Y Y SW sediment 9 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 7.83 whole body mortality NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18621 L amphipod N/R W Benz[a]anthracene 56-55-3 N Y SW sediment 9 nmol/L 1x 10 d 7.83 whole body behavior NEF N 98% 99% N/R ability to rebury; single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18623 L amphipod N/R W Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 N Y SW sediment 9 nmol/L 1x 10 d 2.14 whole body behavior NEF N 96% 99% N/R ability to rebury; single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18616 L amphipod N/R W Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 N Y SW sediment 9 nmol/L 1x 10 d 2.14 whole body mortality NEF N 96% 99% N/R single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18630 L amphipod N/R W Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 Y Y SW sediment 9 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 2.14 whole body mortality NEF N 100% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18637 L amphipod N/R W Benzo(b)fluoranthene 205-99-2 Y Y SW sediment 9 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 2.14 whole body behavior NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18638 L amphipod N/R W Chrysene 218-01-9 Y Y SW sediment 6 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 0.4 whole body behavior NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18631 L amphipod N/R W Chrysene 218-01-9 Y Y SW sediment 6 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 0.4 whole body mortality NEF N 100% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18617 L amphipod N/R W Chrysene 218-01-9 N Y SW sediment 6 nmol/L 1x 10 d 0.4 whole body mortality NEF N 96% 99% N/R single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18624 L amphipod N/R W Chrysene 218-01-9 N Y SW sediment 6 nmol/L 1x 10 d 0.4 whole body behavior NEF N 96% 99% N/R ability to rebury; single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18619 L amphipod N/R W Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N Y SW sediment 77 nmol/L 1x 10 d 92.8 whole body behavior NEF N 96% 99% N/R ability to rebury; single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18633 L amphipod N/R W Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y Y SW sediment 77 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 92.8 whole body behavior DEC Y 0% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18626 L amphipod N/R W Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y Y SW sediment 77 nmol/L 1x 10 d+1 hr 92.8 whole body mortality NEF N 97% 99% N/R single contaminant 10 d + 1hr of UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Hyalella azteca 4023 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 718 mg/kg N/I 16 222 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 used micromoles/g concentrations Driscoll and PFLandrum. 1997. A comparison of equilibrium partitioning.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:2179-2186.
Diporeia sp. 4024 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 720 mg/kg N/I 16 1190 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC N/I Driscoll and PFLandrum. 1997. A comparison of equilibrium partitioning.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:2179-2186.
Rhepoxynius abronius 18612 L amphipod N/R W Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N Y SW sediment 77 nmol/L 1x 10 d 92.8 whole body mortality NEF N 96% 99% N/R single contaminant; before UV Boese et al. 1999. Toxicity and phototoxicity of mixtures o.... Arch Environ Con Tox 36:270-280.
Leptocheirus plumulosus 9386 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I SW aqueous 39.2 µg/L N/I N/I 493.5 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Driscoll et al. 1998. Toxicokinetics of fluoranthene to the am.... Mar Environ Res 45:269-284.
Leptocheirus plumulosus 9387 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I SW sediment 21.2 µg/L N/I N/I 68.7 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC N/I Driscoll et al. 1998. Toxicokinetics of fluoranthene to the am.... Mar Environ Res 45:269-284.
Diporeia sp. 9388 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 242 nmol/g N/I N/I 252.8 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LOEC N/I Driscoll et al. 1997. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluor.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:742-753.
Diporeia sp. 9389 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 242 nmol/g N/I N/I 252.8 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 16 N/I Driscoll et al. 1997. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluor.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:742-753.
Diporeia sp. 9390 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 77 nmol/g N/I N/I 71.8 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LOEC N/I Driscoll et al. 1997. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluor.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:742-753.
Diporeia sp. 9391 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 77 nmol/g N/I N/I 71.8 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 39 N/I Driscoll et al. 1997. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluor.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:742-753.
Diporeia sp. 9392 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 242 nmol/g N/I N/I 182 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 48 N/I Driscoll et al. 1997. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluor.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:742-753.
Hyalella azteca 9393 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 340 nmol/g N/I N/I 839.4 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 17 N/I Driscoll et al. 1997. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluor.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:742-753.
Hyalella azteca 9394 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 769 nmol/g N/I N/I 839.4 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 45 N/I Driscoll et al. 1997. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluor.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:742-753.
Hyalella azteca 9395 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW sediment 876 nmol/g N/I N/I 161.8 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 16 N/I Driscoll et al. 1997. Accumulation and toxicokinetics of fluor.... Environ Toxicol Chem 16:742-753.
Hyalella azteca 14450 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 169.894 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Diporeia sp. 14452 L amphipod N/I N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 639.1258 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Diporeia sp. 14453 L amphipod N/I N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 639.1258 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Hyalella azteca 7035 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous 411 nm/L N/I N/I 55.42 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Toxicity tests occurred under gold lights Wilcoxen et al. 2003. The toxicity of fluoranthene to Hyalella.... Ecotox Environ Safe 54:105-117.
Hyalella azteca 7036 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 32.76 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Toxicity tests occurred under gold lights Wilcoxen et al. 2003. The toxicity of fluoranthene to Hyalella.... Ecotox Environ Safe 54:105-117.
Hyalella azteca 7037 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous 68 nm/L N/I N/I 8.09 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Toxicity tests occurred under fluorescent ligts Wilcoxen et al. 2003. The toxicity of fluoranthene to Hyalella.... Ecotox Environ Safe 54:105-117.
Hyalella azteca 7038 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous 11 nm/L N/I N/I 0.566 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Toxicity tests occurred under UV ligthts Wilcoxen et al. 2003. The toxicity of fluoranthene to Hyalella.... Ecotox Environ Safe 54:105-117.
Hyalella azteca 7039 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW sediment 720 nmol/g N/I N/I 38.63 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Toxicity tests occurred under fluorescent ligts Wilcoxen et al. 2003. The toxicity of fluoranthene to Hyalella.... Ecotox Environ Safe 54:105-117.
Hyalella azteca 7040 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW sediment 302 nmol/g N/I N/I 13.07 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Toxicity tests occurred under UV ligthts Wilcoxen et al. 2003. The toxicity of fluoranthene to Hyalella.... Ecotox Environ Safe 54:105-117.
Hyalella azteca 10309 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 645 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Schuler et al. 2004. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene .... Environ Sci Tech 38:6247-6255.
Hyalella azteca 10310 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 327 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Schuler et al. 2004. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene .... Environ Sci Tech 38:6247-6255.
Hyalella azteca 10311 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 173 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Schuler et al. 2004. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene .... Environ Sci Tech 38:6247-6255.
Hyalella azteca 10312 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 426 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Schuler et al. 2004. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene .... Environ Sci Tech 38:6247-6255.
Hyalella azteca 10313 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 242 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Schuler et al. 2004. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene .... Environ Sci Tech 38:6247-6255.
Hyalella azteca 10314 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 161 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Schuler et al. 2004. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene .... Environ Sci Tech 38:6247-6255.
Diporeia sp. 10319 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 2016 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Schuler et al. 2004. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene .... Environ Sci Tech 38:6247-6255.
Diporeia sp. 10320 L amphipod adult N/I Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Y N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 742 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 N/I Schuler et al. 2004. Time-dependent toxicity of fluoranthene .... Environ Sci Tech 38:6247-6255.
Diporeia sp. 8270 L amphipod juvenile N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 2044.5306 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 LR50; diporeia field collected; not fed Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Hyalella azteca 14739 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 54.61 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14740 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 99.12 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 47 N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14741 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 22.25 whole body growth N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14742 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 85.38 whole body growth N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 17 N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14743 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 54.61 whole body growth N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 24 N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14744 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 99.12 whole body growth N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 27 N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14745 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 22.25 whole body reproduction N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 63 # offspring/female Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14746 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 85.38 whole body reproduction N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 76 # offspring/female Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14747 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 54.61 whole body reproduction N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 78 # offspring/female Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14748 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 8.09 whole body reproduction N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14749 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 22.25 whole body reproduction N/I N/I N/I N/I LOEC N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14750 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 22.25 whole body growth N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14751 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 85.38 whole body growth N/I N/I N/I N/I LOEC N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14752 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 54.61 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I NOEC N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14753 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 99.12 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LOEC N/I Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14754 L freshwater amphipod adult N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 99.12 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LOEC =LOER; MATR= 0.08 umol/g = 16.18 mg/kg Schuler et al. 2007. Response spectrum of pentachlorobenzene .... Environ Toxicol Chem 26:1248-1257.
Hyalella azteca 14444 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 76.36 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Hyalella azteca 14445 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 54.853 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Hyalella azteca 14446 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 41.555 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Hyalella azteca 14447 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 130.3919 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Hyalella azteca 6432 L freshwater amphipod juvenile N/I Fluorene 86-73-7 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 111.4 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Lethal body burden to 50% of population Lee et al. 2002. Toxicokinetics and time-dependent PAH to.... Environ Sci Tech 36:3124-3130.
Diporeia sp. 8274 L amphipod juvenile N/I Naphthalene 91-20-3 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 346.059 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 behavioral (immobility) Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Diporeia sp. 8275 L amphipod juvenile N/I Naphthalene 91-20-3 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 346.059 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 behavioral (immobility) Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Diporeia sp. 8268 L amphipod juvenile N/I Naphthalene 91-20-3 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 640.85 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 LR50; diporeia field collected; not fed Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Diporeia sp. 8269 L amphipod juvenile N/I Naphthalene 91-20-3 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 743.386 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 LR50; diporeia field collected; not fed Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Diporeia sp. 8276 L amphipod juvenile N/I Phenanthrene 85-01-8 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 409.9359 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 N/I Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Diporeia sp. 8277 L amphipod juvenile N/I Phenanthrene 85-01-8 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 302.9961 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 N/I Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Diporeia sp. 8271 L amphipod juvenile N/I Phenanthrene 85-01-8 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 1497.1572 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 LR50; diporeia field collected; not fed Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Diporeia sp. 8272 L amphipod juvenile N/I Phenanthrene 85-01-8 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 1354.5708 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 LR50; diporeia field collected; not fed Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Hyalella azteca 6433 L freshwater amphipod juvenile N/I Phenanthrene 85-01-8 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 163.97 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Lethal body burden to 50% of population Lee et al. 2002. Toxicokinetics and time-dependent PAH to.... Environ Sci Tech 36:3124-3130.
Diporeia sp. 4807 L amphipod juvenile W Phenanthrene 85-01-8 N Y FW sediment 0.62 µmol/g N/I 28 d 214 whole body mortality N/I N/I 12% N/I LOEC residue at 17 d exposure Landrum et al. 1994. Toxicokinetics and toxicity of sediment‐.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:1769-1780.
Hyalella azteca 14449 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Phenanthrene 85-01-8 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 57.0346 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Diporeia sp. 4810 L amphipod juvenile W Phenanthrene 85-01-8 N Y FW sediment 0.62 µmol/g N/I 28 d 1030 whole body physiological NEF N/I N/I N/I NOEC respiration rate Landrum et al. 1994. Toxicokinetics and toxicity of sediment‐.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:1769-1780.
Hyalella azteca 14441 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Pyrene 129-00-0 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 48.54 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Hyalella azteca 14442 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Pyrene 129-00-0 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 48.54 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Hyalella azteca 14443 L freshwater amphipod N/I N/I Pyrene 129-00-0 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 177.98 whole body mortality N/I N/I Yes N/I LD 50 mortality is LBR50 Lee and Landrum. 2006. Application of multi-component damage as.... Environ Sci Tech 40:1350-1357.
Diporeia sp. 4808 L amphipod juvenile W Pyrene 129-00-0 N Y FW sediment 0.62 µmol/g N/I 28 d 890 whole body physiological NEF N/I N/I N/I NOEC filtration rate. Landrum et al. 1994. Toxicokinetics and toxicity of sediment‐.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:1769-1780.
Diporeia sp. 4809 L amphipod juvenile W Pyrene 129-00-0 N Y FW sediment 0.86 µmol/g N/I 28 d 1480 whole body physiological NEF N/I N/I N/I NOEC lipid content Landrum et al. 1994. Toxicokinetics and toxicity of sediment‐.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:1769-1780.
Hyalella azteca 6434 L freshwater amphipod juvenile N/I Pyrene 129-00-0 N N/I FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 335.7 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 Lethal body burden to 50% of population Lee et al. 2002. Toxicokinetics and time-dependent PAH to.... Environ Sci Tech 36:3124-3130.
Diporeia sp. 4806 L amphipod juvenile W Pyrene 129-00-0 N Y FW sediment 0.73 µmol/g N/I 28 d 1270 whole body mortality N/I N/I 50% N/I LD 50 N/I Landrum et al. 1994. Toxicokinetics and toxicity of sediment‐.... Environ Toxicol Chem 13:1769-1780.
Diporeia sp. 8273 L amphipod juvenile N/I Pyrene 129-00-0 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 1233.786 whole body mortality N/I N/I N/I N/I LD 50 LR50; diporeia field collected; not fed Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.
Diporeia sp. 8278 L amphipod juvenile N/I Pyrene 129-00-0 N Y FW aqueous N/I N/I N/I 1233.786 whole body behavior N/I N/I N/I N/I ED 50 behavioral (immobility) Landrum et al. 2003. Bioaccumulation and critical body residu.... Chemosphere 51:481-489.